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Parents Night Out/Kids Night In – SELECTED FRIDAYS, 6:30pm-9:00pm

Enjoy a night out while your children enjoy exploring their creativity at our Parents Night Out/Kids Night In (cue the applause!!!)


Includes a pizza snack, a themed arts activity and/or craft project – which will have a different theme each time, and ends with a movie-chill out time to be ready for bedtime after pick up.


Cost: $ 40 for first child, $25 for each additional sibling.


Pre-registration is preferred. Drop-ins are accepted if there is space available– please check ahead for space availability.

(For children ages 4 and up)


We reserve the right to cancel this event if minimum enrollment is not met when advance registration period ends 2 days before, in which case you would be notified and your registration fee would be refunded.

October 21 – Halloween Painting Activity
November 11 – Ceramic Turkey Platter
December 9 – Create Holiday Decorations
January 13 – Winter Snowflake Craft
February 10 – Valentine Painting
March 10 – Shamrock Activity
April 21 – Create Tissue Paper Flowers

 May 19-Happy and Crazy Night

         Register for Parents Night Out/Kids Night In




Things you’ll need to know:

• Please be careful in choosing the correct session dates and times – there may be a lot of information to scroll through. If you choose the wrong item before purchase, you will have the opportunity to remove it from your form. If you make the purchase and get a confirmation that appears to not be for what you wanted to purchase, please contact us and we’ll sort it out.

• You can use the direct links by date listed above – otherwise, the link above in orange will send you to a page where you can scroll through the remaining calendar of Parents Night Out/Kids Night In for the rest of this program year. That page also has a calendar search feature in the upper right-hand corner where you can focus on the date(s) of interest to you.

• Clicking on the blue “Sign Up Now” button takes you to a page where you need to log in before making a purchase.

• Once logged in, you will be shown a page with your selected item for purchase. If this is the correct item, you may click on the blue “enroll” button.



Please don’t hesitate to contact us if something doesn’t seem right – we are working through this transition and appreciate your patience. We think once we all get used to the new software, it will provide you with a better registration experience!


Step 2: Tell Others!

You can help us spread the word about Parents Night Out/Kids Night In at ME by sharing this page on Facebook. Simply click on the “Like” button at the bottom of this page. Thank you!



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