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Privacy Policy




This web site is operated by the Magic Education LLC  (ME). We recognize that many visitors to our site are concerned about the information they provide to us, and how we treat that information. Our goal is to provide a fun informative service for parents and children. Please read on to learn about our Privacy Policy.


Gathering and Use of Information

Any personal information collected by ME on any of its sites will be kept strictly in-house. ME will not sell or provide this information to third parties.  Any information gathered by ME is thru email contact.


Kids and Parents

Kids – If you are 18 years of age or younger, please be sure to ask your parents for permission before providing any information to us.

Parents – We hope that you and your kids enjoy our web site. In communicating directly with minors over the Internet, we recognize the unique issues raised regarding the protection of your kid’s privacy. The Children’s Advertising Review Unit (CARU), a section of The Better Business Bureau, has issued guidelines for web sites gathering information from minors. ME intends to comply with the CARU guidelines in order to protect your kids and their privacy. We recommend, however, that you caution your children on the importance of scrutinizing sources and checking with you before revealing any personal information.


Your Ideas

We encourage you to share your comments and questions with us. We promise to read all the mail you send to us, but we may not be able to respond to all of it. However, please note that we assume no responsibility for reviewing unsolicited ideas for our business (like product or advertising ideas) and will not incur any liability as a result of any similarities between your ideas and future ME programs. This means that we have no obligation to treat your idea submissions confidentially and that we can use them without paying you for them. Any and all idea submissions will be owned by ME exclusively and may be used by ME for any purpose, now or in the future.



The MAGIC EUDACTION.ORG site may contain “links” to other sites.  We make every effort to only link to sites that share our high standards of decency, fairness, and integrity. We try our best to ensure that these links are safe for kids and appropriate for our users in general. However, since we cannot guarantee the content of every site to which we are linked, kids should always check with an adult before linking to any new sites.


Use of Materials on this Web Site

Please remember that the trademarks, service marks, graphics, text, and other properties appearing within this web site are the property of ME. Research information provided for downloading by visitors to our site may be used for personal or non-commercial use only. Otherwise, properties may not be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted or distributed without the prior written consent of ME. Except as expressly provided above, nothing contained herein shall be construed as conferring any license or right under any copyright or other intellectual property right.

If you have any questions or comments, we will be happy to hear them. email us








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2024 - 2025 Magic Education Bilingual  Child Care Center. All rights reserved. | Privacy Policy

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