Teachers Who Love Teaching
Teachers make a difference, and ours are among the most dedicated and energetic people we know. We specifically seek out college-educated instructors with a passion for teaching to ensure your students get the most out of their learning.
Our Core Values
Friendly, approachable, and professional. We create an encouraging work atmosphere so that our students can have fun while they learn.
Energetic and Passionate
We love what we do – which is building better teachers and successful students. We genuinely care about the success of our students and teachers.
As a school, we are resilient. We understand that our students' needs may change and we are excited to grow and change with them.
We are a family. We work as a team and we strive to create a community for our staff, students, and families to be successful.
We believe in maximizing results for our students and staff members. We pay attention to details because they matter.
Our school encourages our teachers to participate all kinds of self-improving teaching classes and teaching skill training.
We also welcome parents to attend the class, indoor and outdoor activities, and field trip, etc. Our English teachers will take part in the Chinese classes. We hope to let our students feel at home and be taken care as well as their parents.
Magic Education Kids School Teachers’ Intro
Chinese Language Teacher
Tutor (Multiple Subjects)
Saturday Class Teacher
MA in Elementary Inclusive Education
Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, NY, U.S.A
BA in English Language and Literature
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
郭老师本科毕业于清华大学英语语言文学,研究生毕业于Columbia University 小学基础教育学。郭老师有着丰富的双语教学经验,目前就职于沉浸式中文公立学校。郭老师具有很强的中文表达能力,普通话标准,具有较强的亲和力,讲课生动活泼,知识面宽广。希望将我们的学生们培育成卓越的、思想开阔,积极向上和富有希望的现代高素质人才。
Chinese Language Teacher
Saturday Class Teacher
Tutor (Multiple Subjects)
Students’ Mental-health Counselor
Master of Education in Childhood & Early Childhood, Special Education, Birth-6
Binghamton University, State University of New York
Member: Secretary in Kappa Delta Phi Honor Society Alpha Gamma Chi chapter 2015-2016
Overall GPA 4.0/4.0
Bachelor in Applied Psychology
Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China (Top 10)
University-Level Excellent Student Cadre
严老师本科毕业于中山大学应用心理学,研究生毕业于Binghamton University儿童特殊教育学。严老师目前就职于沉浸式中文公立学校特殊儿童早期教育班。
老师优势: 严老师因材施教,课堂教学灵活不枯燥。个性活泼开朗,责任心强,热爱儿童教育工作,沟通能力强,善于引导孩子学习。帮助我们的学生在其人生成长发育的最关键阶段打下优秀的个人基础素质,为其未来实现有为人生奠定坚实的基础。
Mrs. Cui
Chinese Language Teacher
Tutor (Multiple Subjects)
Camp Teacher
Ph.D. candidate in Language & Literacy Education
The University of Georgia
M.Ed. in TESOL & World Language (Chinese) Education
The University of Georgia
B.A. in English Language & Literature
Xi’an International Studies University
崔老师本科毕业于西安外国语大学英语语言文学专业,研究生和博士毕业于University of Georgia
老师优势: 崔老师有着良好的文字功底和优秀的语言表达能力、沟通能力,思维敏捷。课堂教学生动趣味,具感染力的教学模式,让孩子不仅仅掌握一门语言,熟知一种文化,更多的是体验一种不同的人生!
Chinese Language Teacher
Enrichment Class Teacher
Master of Fine Arts in Computer Animation
Art Institute of California,San Francisco
Bachelor of Arts in Art
Academy of Arts & Design , Tsinghua University
战老师本科毕业于清华美术学院,研究生毕业于The Art Institute of California 电脑动画制作。战老师的中文课生动多样,花样百出,让孩子们在游戏中学习知识。
老师优势: 教学方法别具一格,以画画的教学方式和学生们交流,沟通。分享快乐、关注成长、追求卓越。
Computer Teacher
History Teacher
Ph.D. in History
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
MS in Computer Science
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,Troy, NY USA
BS in Computer Science
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
老师优势: 提供个性化定制的、最精准的课程方案以及内容。让每个学生能够对自己的知识结构与学习水平有清晰直观的认识,亲眼看见、亲身体会自己学习能力的稳步提高。姜老师深受学生和家长们的喜爱和信任。
Mr. Liang
Math Teacher
Chinese Language Teacher
Master of Fine Arts in Game Development
Academy of Art University, San Francisco, USA.
Master of Professional Study in Digital Media.
Northeastern University, Boston, USA.
BS in Biological Science
Xiamen University, Xiamen, China.
Mrs. Xiao
Magic Education Director
Chinese Language Teacher
Master of Science in Early Childhood Development
California State University- East Bay
Bachelor of Art in Chinese Literature
Shenyang University
Coco 老师性格外向,有亲和力、耐心、细心、汉语语言表达能力强。课堂风趣幽默有互动,能够因材施教,启发教学并且帮助学生解决学习和生活中遇到的问题。
Violin Teacher
Bachelor of Arts in Music
Mrs. Heneveld
English Language Art Teacher
Capella University,Minneapolis, MN
University of Nations, Kailua-Kona, HI
Bachelor of Science in Language Arts and Social Studies
Bob Jones University, Greenville, SC
Teacher-3rd Grade Multiple Subjects and 8th Grade
Teacher-3rd Grade Multiple Subjects and 8th Grade Humanities
Currently teach 3rd grade and 8th graders
Taught ESL classes to the parents of the students in 2015-2016 academic year.
Marie Horwitz
Tutor in several subjects
Life Science Teacher
B.A. in Biology
Dominican University of California,San Rafael, CA
Skilled educator, English, Science, and Math
• Highly motivated and dedicated to achieve set goals
• Proven writing and math skills
• Adept at learning new strategies and technologies
• Excellent managerial and organizational skills
Mr. Giardi
Math Tutor
Poincare Institute, Tufts University, Medford
Masters of Math Education in Math Education
Cambridge College Cambridge
Bachelor of Arts in English
University of Vermont, Burlington, VT
8th Grade Math Teacher Classroom Teacher: Utilize Engage NY curriculum to teach 8th grade standards to tiered student population. Employ technology in 1 to 1 computer to student
setting. Design and implement PBL units. Apply CPS, Collaborative and Proactive
Solutions, to community build, reaching out to struggling students. Regularly
collaborate with colleagues, parents, administration, counselors and students to ensure student success.
Yuchun Zhou
Class Assistant
Bachelor of arts in communication studies,
College Student
Sunhui Zhu
Soccer Teacher
Bachelor of Arts in Sport Management, College Student